You will be able to choose attractive vacancies in the field of test management and get priority over other applicants.
We select testers
We know how to attract qualified applicants. We will find specialists for your tasks in Russia and in Europe.
We teach IT testing
We help to acquiring skills and experience in the field of test management so that specialists are trained and applicable for real IT projects.
a provider of HR services with the ability to choose IT specialists for permanent or project work. We specialize in the selection of IT testing experts, as well as their preparation for the requirements of company vacancies.
We select personnel in the IT field of testing and quality management. We have our own database of candidates.
Companies and clients
We compare the best candidates with the best companies.
We offer ways to improve your qualifications to move to a new level or position. We help you to find new projects.
Practicing testers
We help you gain experience in various projects in the field of testing and quality management. And also find a job.
Students and newcomers to the IT industry
How to find a job as a tester if you don't have enough experience
We have set ourselves the task of training highly qualified personnel. The specialists who contact us are trained in IT testing, which has no analogues in the market.